Business Administration

Search (BUS-003-SE)

Configure your Search settings to fine-tune the results customers see when searching for products on your site.

Total Video Time: 45 mins

  • Introduction
  • Search Overview
  • Search Schema
  • Search Schema
  • Create a New Search Configuration
  • Search Settings
  • Search Settings Overview
  • Splainer
  • Quepid
  • Product Slicing
  • MinMatch
  • Phrase Slop
  • Spell Correction
  • Field Weights
  • Boost/Bury
  • Whitespace
  • Return Fields
  • Merchandizing Rules
  • Site Search
  • Category
  • Other Search Functions
  • Search Synonyms
  • Search Term Redirects
  • Survey
  • Course Survey: Search
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed