Business Administration

Catalogs (BUS-002-SE)

Configure your catalog structure and master catalogs.

Total Video Time: 1.5 hrs

  • Introduction
  • Catalog Terminology
  • Catalog Overview
  • Configuration
  • Create a New Catalog
  • Planning and Organizing a Catalog
  • Product Attributes
  • Product Attributes
  • Create a Product Attribute
  • Create Product Mapping Attributes
  • Product Types
  • Product Types
  • Create a Product Type
  • Product Overview
  • Create a Configurable Product with Options
  • Subscriptions
  • Add Product Substitutions on Products Overview
  • Product Subscriptions Overview
  • Subscription Product Attributes and Product Types
  • Subscriptions Configuration on the Product Page
  • General Settings for Product Subscriptions
  • Categories
  • Categories Overview
  • Create a Static Category with Quick Edit
  • Create Dynamic Categories
  • Category Attributes
  • Price Lists
  • Price List Overview and Configuration
  • Survey
  • Course Survey: Catalogs
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed